All throughout the world this problem exists. It is in alarming proportion in many parts of the globe. Increasing day-by-day, it is Mounting. What's it? UNEMPLOYMENT.
In the physical world there aren't as many jobs as there are people.
Varied sorts of unemployed people are there. Well-qualified, qualified, semi-qualified, skilled, semi-skilled, technical, non-technical and under-employed.
Even people who have got jobs are unable to find satisfaction, being faced with the problem of poor/insufficient income and/or realisation from their current jobs.
The world out there is demanding. For anything and everything you have to draw out your wallet. People are over-reaching their credit card limits! Many are burdened with loads of debt. Cards maxed-out, houses mortgaged, vehicles auctioned-out and finances on the brink of collapsing! Whoa... what a drastic picture that I am painting? But isn't it the reality?
You have seen your neighbor's job vanish, a friend's marriage is broken as she was fired from her job, may be it's all about you... or rather is it us?
Well boy now talk about the solution...! I can almost hear you yelling at the top of your voice.
Where is the real, perfect job? Or are there really perfect jobs? In my view the answer is, sadly no! I know, some of you over there may refute my opinion. But at the same time I am aware that many do agree.
Yeah, whether it is a routine 9 to 5 daily grind or a part-time job it is almost impossible (not that it is not possible at all!) to find the perfect job.